April 28, 2011


Check out Amiamo this coming week if you are in the Provo area...they are playing at Battle of the Bands at Muse, and frankly I think with their talent, they are going to battle it up good :)

Portra 400/35 and 220


Portra 400

April 27, 2011

Website 1.0

Slowly, yet surely I've been working on building this...and the time has come...drum-roll please...I now have a website! Da da da DA! SO, if you have questions about pricing, checka out the website! If you are a client and want to see and order your proofs, checka out the website! If you want to contact me, checka out the website! Now, just where is this website you might ask? Checka it out here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns with how it works just go ahead and let me know, and I'll iron out the issues with the start up of my new little corner of the world wide web :)

April 24, 2011


April 18, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April 11, 2011

Bowls for Humanity

A few weeks ago I went to a neat and inspiring event called Bowls for Humanity put on by the great folks at The Food and Care Coalition here in Provo. Here's what I saw...

Portra 400

April 9, 2011


I am BACK! I've been busy...but it feels great to break out my camera again. The camera and I went for drive around town this afternoon to document our "spring" weather. Ha.

I'm working on my developing my film skills (ha ha...funny!)...so look forward to more and more of film work from me! These were taken with portra 400.

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