April 12, 2012

The Tables are Turned...

As a photographer, I am rarely in front of the camera. I feel safe behind the camera. Me in front of the camera...that's another story, an awkward one. I'm always caught with my eyes closed. Or with a weird face. Struggle. But I'm here to tell you folks, a miracle has happened... Not only were my eyes open, and my face not so awkward...I also have a pretty good looking man at my side. And let me tell you, we had a blast taking these pictures!

Our photographer, Michelle is an awesome photographer to boot! While our styles are pretty dang opposite, I love her style. LOVE. It's unique. And colorful. And artistic. And just plain magical. It was inspiring to me...and made me want to dust off my camera and try some new things. And THAT makes me excited!  Watch for new things coming to a blog near you...


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